潘丽华律师事务所 - Doris Pun Eslinger

潘丽华律师事务所 - Doris Pun Eslinger

发布于: 2019-10-18 11:01:39
地区:America / 美国
地址:1808 Richards Road, Suite 104 Belle­vue, WA 98005
电话: 425-451-3237

Ms Es­linger was born and raised in Hong Kong and im­mi­grat­ed to the U.S. in the 1980s. She re­ceived her bach­e­lor’s de­gree from Brigham Young Uni­ver­si­ty in Hawaii. Ms. Es­linger has lived in Hong Kong, Tai­wan, Wash­ing­ton state and Hawaii. Ms. Es­linger worked for Chad­bourne & Parke, a New York-based law firm as a legal sec­re­tary, par­ale­gal and then of­fice man­ag­er in Hong Kong in the 1990s, re­turn­ing to the Seat­tle area in 2000. Ms. Es­linger writes and reads Chi­nese and speaks flu­ent Can­tonese and Man­darin.

Es­linger Law Of­fice is lo­cat­ed in Belle­vue, Wash­ing­ton. We pro­vide legal ser­vice in Es­tate Plan­ning, Real Es­tate, Land­lord-Ten­ant Law, and Im­mi­gra­tion mat­ters.

Es­linger Law Of­fice is a small law firm by de­sign so that every as­pect of our ser­vice is car­ried out with the ut­most care and in­tegri­ty. Our ob­jec­tive is to pro­vide our clients with ex­cel­lent legal ser­vice. Es­linger Law Of­fice promis­es to re­spond to your in­quiries prompt­ly, con­duct thor­ough legal re­search, keep you in­formed dur­ing the course of the legal mat­ter, and to pro­vide you with sound legal ad­vice, at the same time keep­ing our over­head and your cost low.