曹霄鹤律师事务所 - Lani Cao Law Office

曹霄鹤律师事务所 - Lani Cao Law Office

发布于: 2019-10-18 10:17:03
地区:America / 美国
地址:10800 NE 8th Street, Suite 318, Bellevue, WA, 98004
电话: 425-455-9898

具中美两国律师资格 美国联邦移民律师协会会员

曹霄鹤律师事务所是一个专业的移民律师事务所。成立近十年来, 以大西雅图地区为中心,竭诚为海内外华人以及其他族裔客户提供申请美国移民和非移民签证的全方位法律服务。主要专业领域包括:投资移民(EB-5),亲属移民,工作移民,杰出人才移民(EB-1),H-1B签证, L-1签证, 劳工证(PERM),I-485身份调整和领事程序等。在成立的数年中,曹霄鹤律师事务所始终以帮助新移民顺利移民美国,融入美国社会,成功实现“美国梦”为宗旨,为需要帮助的客户提供优质的专业移民法律服务。除此以外,曹霄鹤律师事务所还积极参与当地社区服务,定期邀请著名法律专家共同举办系列讲座,涵盖移民,婚姻,遗嘱继承,税务,商业法律等内容,以便更好地服务当地广大华人。


Attorney Lani Xiaohe Cao received a bachelor law degree from China University of Politics and Law in China, and Juris Doctor from Seattle University School of Law in the United States. She has both legal practice licenses in the People’s Republic of China and Washington State of the United States.

In China, she practiced law as an in-house counsel in a major fuel company in Beijing, China. She co-authored books with other legal professionals on areas of business law and criminal law. In Washington, she practices immigration law, business law, estate planning and probate.

She is Chinese native speaking attorney, fluent in English and have conversational level Japanese

She is an active member in Chinese community in greater Seattle of Washington. She served as the Principal of Northwest Chinese School from the year of 2007-2008 on non salary basis.

She is a member of Washington State Bar Association; a member of King County Bar Association; a member of American Immigration Lawyer Association.

Practice Areas :Family Immigration Business Immigration, Investment Immigration Eb5, Investor Visas Treaty Trader Visas, Set Up Business, Draft Documents, Review Documents