素里(Surrey Cloverdale)电子厂征聘 全职软件工程师,电子组装工/质检员,办公室行政文员
Full Time Job Positions:
Software engineer, Electronic assemble line operator, QA inspector, Adm clerk
电子组装工/质检员 Electronic assemble line operator, QA inspector
1. 最好有一年电子焊接/组装经验 would be an asset if you have 1 more year experiences in electronic soldering/assembly.
2. 最好有一年SMT/TH 焊接质量检查经验 would be an asset if you have 1 more year experiences in electronic soldering/assembly/inspection,quality assurance/control.
3. 有一定的SMT/TH元器件修理经验 Experiences for repairing PCB and SMT/TH components.
全职软件工程师 Software engineer
1. 有相关工作经验,能独立开展工作 Have relevant experiences, be able to work independently.
2. 有英文口语沟通能力, 能与本地硬件工程师合作开发产品 Able to communicate in English.
办公室文员 Office Adm clerk
1. 流利的英文沟通能力 Fluent English in communication and writing.
2. Teamwork
有兴趣应聘者请电邮简历到 Whom interested, please send resume to HR@uchoice.ca
请在email subject处注明 Please note at Subject: Subject: Re: resume for XXXX position
Prefer contact in email other than phone calls. Thanks!