曾茂源 - Tom Tseng - 地产阿汤哥

曾茂源 - Tom Tseng - 地产阿汤哥

发布于: 2018-07-06 02:13:00
地区:America / 美国
地址:5823 Rosemead Blvd, Temple City, CA, 91780
电话: 909-272-9217

来自台湾的Tom Tseng毕业于UC大学河滨分校的商业系,于2010年起开始服务大洛杉矶地区的房地产住宅和商业市场,能用流利的中英文沟通服务。8年多的实战经验包括住宅, 多单位住宅, 土地,商圈等交易都非常熟悉,使他在行业中树立了良好的口碑和评价。Tom的兴趣是咖啡和中国武术,是一名执照的精品咖啡师,并且在2004 年时代表美国参与世界传统武术锦标赛从2400名来自世界62个国家的选手交流中获得两枚银牌,是南加州地产界知名的武术家。

Tom 所就职的Re/Max集团是目前全世界最知名的地产品牌,在全世界逾100个国家有6800家办公室,11.5万名职业地产经纪人。Tom所属的Advanced Super Team团队作为核心队员。 该团队在Re/Max集团旗下115,000名专业地产人士中,以逾3亿2千美金的总销售额获得加州第2,全美第7, 以及全球第8名的业绩。因而上了集团名人堂,Re/Max 的全球董事长和CEO也亲自授奖作为职业表率。

无论是在Zillow, Yelp, 或者洛杉矶华人资讯网等平台,的客户评价皆为5星。 地产阿汤哥, 一个实在丶值得信赖的地产人。

Tom Tseng
Re/Max Advanced Realty
Realtor, GRI, Advanced Super Team
手机# 909-272-9217
邮箱: RealtorTomTseng@Gmail.com

National Association of Realtors 全美地产经纪人协会
California Association of Realtors 加州地产经纪人协会
West San Gabrial Valley Assn. of Realtors西圣盖博谷地产经纪人协会


Tom Tseng has been servicing clients with residential and commercial real estate in greater Los Angeles Area. With more than 8 years of experience in the industry, Tom is a reliable professional who has closed sales on various residential properties, REOs, foreclosures, flipped properties, and beyond sales, he also used his real estate expertise to manage large commercial properties such as apartments, medical offices, and shopping centers.

Tom currently works for Re/Max Realty, The #1 Brand in Real Estate Worldwide; which has more than 115,000 agents in over 100 countries and territories. Tom is a member of Re/Max Advanced Super Team, which ranks the 2nd top-selling office in California, and scoring #7 Nationwide and #8 Global sales throughout Re/Max Corporation Worldwide. He received recognition from the corporate CEO and President as an emerging leader in the industry.

With over 60 transactions, Tom earns 5 Star reputation across Zillow, yelp, and ChineseinLA.com. Realtor Tom Tseng, a Trustworthy Realtor, Ready to Serve!

Tom Tseng
Re/Max Advanced Realty
Realtor, GRI, Advanced Super Team
CELL# 909-272-9217
EMAIL: RealtorTomTseng@gmail.com