Worked in both USA & Canada, tutoring since 1999-2007 in the USA, 2008 until now in Canada
Subjects: MATH30, MATH31 IB AP courses and MANY other courses ALL Calculus courses, Math20, Math 30 diploma exam, Math31 IB, MATH AP, calculus, multivariable calculus Statistics STAT205, STAT213, MATH 211, MATH311, MATH 249 MATH 251 MATH265 Complex variables, discrete math, AMAT415, STAT217 and more
Have time 10AM-2:45PM, 7 days a week, face to face and online
Location: UofC campus, morning to early afternoon, 7 days a week
Rate: 1-1 $40/hour (on campus only) or negotiate with individual tutors. Off-campus: $80-120/hour within 2KM from UofC library. Other locations: $120/hour minimum depends on location.
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