Marina swim school Marina 游泳学校

Marina swim school Marina 游泳学校

发布于: 2018-12-31 18:18:10
地区:Richmond / 列治文
联系人:Marina swim school Marina 游泳学校
电话: 604-818-4650

Marina’s Swim School-Swim Team

Our Swim Team program is for kids, who want to take their swimming skills to the next level. It is the goal of the Marina’s Swim Team to offer age specific training for all our athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each individual to the best of THEIR abilities. Our packages start at $441 dollars for 15 lessons, each lesson will run for 45 minutes. We are now offering 1 free lessons to every new student!

Location- Richmond
Vancouver location Jewish Community Centre, 950 West 41st Ave, Vancouver V5Z 2N7
Marina 游泳学校- 游泳队 (针对训练课程)
我们学校的游泳队课程帮助孩子把他们的游泳技能提升到另一个级别。游泳队课程的目标为所有的运动员提供针对性的训练挑战每一个人的能力并且开发个人潜力。 我们的课程套餐是15节课$441,每一节课45分钟。现在我们再送一节课给每一个新注册的学生!

Marina’s Swim School-Lessons
Marina's Swim School is a professional swim school that focuses on the individual needs of every type of swimmer. No matter what level, age or ability. Our classes run 7 days a week from 9:00am -8.15pm. We pride ourselves on helping students to achieve their full potential in short period of time. All of our instructors have at least 9 years teaching experience. Our Spring break session is just around corner for this session we are offering $30 dollars off of the 15 lessons package call now to avoid disappointment. We offer 15 lessons package with this package we give you one free make up class in case you are sick! Or try our 10 lessons short package. We are also now offering 1 free Swim and Tennis lesson to every new student! We also do mobile and private lessons for more information about any of our classes contact us at or call us on 6048184650.
“THE RIVER CLUB”, address: 11111 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, V7A 4Y1.
“PACIFIC INN” HOTEL,1160 King George Highway, White Rock, V4A 4Z2.
“WESTIN WALL CENTRE” 3099 Corvette Way, Richmond, BC V6X 4K3
Marina 游泳学校是一个专业的着重私人定制课程的学校。无论是什么级别,年龄和能力,我们都可以定制课程以满足不同的游泳爱好者的需求。我们的课程是一周七天从早上9点到晚上9点。我们学校的教练都是有着至少九年的教学经验,能帮助学生充分的激发潜能。 我们的春季课即将结束,在夏季我们优惠$30 给 15 节课的套餐。快来给我们打电话预留位置哟! 我们15节课的套餐包括了1节免费补课的机会。同时,对于10节课的套餐,我们也提供一节免费的游泳课和网球课给每一位新生! 如果您想要咨询更多的关于课程的信息,请和我们联系!我们的邮箱是 我们的电话是 604-8184650

Marina’s Swim School- Parent & TOT
Marina Swim School is now providing Parent and TOT classes in all locations. Parents with Children 8 months- 3 years are welcome to register for this fun and unique program that will make your child feel more safe and comfortable in the water. The earlier your child is introduced to the water the easier the swimming process will become. We are having classes in the morning, early afternoons and weekends. We are offering $50 off to all new clients.
“THE RIVER CLUB”, address: 11111 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, V7A 4Y1.
Marina 游泳学校提供亲子课程在所有的校区。 欢迎家长和孩子(8个月-3岁)来注册这个有趣且特别的课程。家长和孩子一起学习游泳,小朋友会更有安全感哟!小孩越早接触并熟悉水,长大后会更容易学习游泳。课程时间为周一到周五早上下午以及周末。同时,我们也对新的学生提供50刀的折扣哦!快快来报名唷!

Summer Break Camp
Marina's Swim School if offering a Summer Break Camps, the week of June 25th and all the weeks up to August 31st at our Richmond location. This fun unique 5-day camp that will have your child working on stroke improvement and endurance in a fun and safe environment. Children in the camps have passed a whole Swim Kids level in the course of 5 days! All of our coaches are fully certified and have many years of professional teaching experience.
Camp 1:9.00am-10.00am
Camp 2:10:00am-11:00am
Camp 3:11:00am-12:00pm
Camp 4:12:00pm-1:00pm
Camp 5:1:00pm-2:00pm
Camp 6: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Marina 游泳学校现在推出夏列营活动啦!地点在列治文,时间 从6月25号开始到8月31号结束,五天为一期。 在夏列营期间,我们的教练会着重训练游泳姿势同时加强孩子对游泳的兴趣。在这短短的5天集训里,孩子可以从一个级别上升到另一个级别。我们所有的教练都有着合格的教学证书,以及多年的教学经验。
夏令营时间如下:(六月:25-29 七月:3-7;9-13;16-20;23-27 七月30-八月3
八月:7-11; 13-17;20-24;27-31)
Camp 1:9.00am-10.00am
Camp 2:10:00am-11:00am
Camp 3:11:00am-12:00pm
Camp 4:12:00pm-1:00pm
Camp 5:1:00pm-2:00pm
Camp 6: 2:00pm-3:00pm

Marina’s Swim School-Aqua Fit
Marina Swim School is now offering Aqua Fit classes to new or existing clients. This fun and relaxing (yet challenging workout) is a perfect way to stay fit this season. Many benefits are associated with water Aqua Fit exercise. The buoyancy and resistance of water allows less-used muscles in your body to get a workout, which helps improve overall muscle tone.
Call or email us now to book a program. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email or call us at 604-818-4650.
Marina 游泳学校现在提供水中有氧健身课程啦! 水中有氧健身是非常有趣并且具有挑战性健身项目。水的浮力和阻力会帮助加快卡路里的燃烧,同时,减少肌肉的损伤,帮助肌肉塑型。如果您对这个课程有兴趣或想了解更多的信息,请和我们联系。!我们的邮箱是 我们的电话是 604-818-4650.

Marina Swim School- Adult Lessons
Marina Swim school is offering Adult swim lessons. These three programs are designed for customization to meet individual needs; learn to swim in Red Cross Swim Basics, develop or improve strokes with Red Cross Swim. These programs are customized to participants individual goals and rate of progress. We design the lessons on what strokes you would like to learn and will help you swim in a matter of lessons!

Marina 游泳学校同时也提供成人游泳课程。根据不同的需求,我们提供三种课程选择。学习红十字会基础游泳课程,增强划水的力量。课程根据个人目标与需求私人订制。我们希望能带给你专业的游泳知识与训练。