华盛超市! 诚聘 肉部 兼职或全职!
Al premium超市自开店以来,在多伦多地区迅速发展,目前有3家大型超市分布在Scarborough和Mississauga。除了您通常可以在一家杂货店找到的主流商品,如蔬菜,水果,牛奶和薯片以外,Al Premium还拥有迎合东亚地区的各种其他产品(例如中国,日本,韩国),东南亚(如马来西亚,泰国,菲律宾)和南亚(如印度,巴基斯坦,斯里兰卡)散居)。2015年我们与沃尔玛签订合约,正式开始合作。第一家店中店坐落在Scarborough,第二家店在大温哥华地区,列治文。
About us:
Al Premium Food mart isone of the only large-scale supermarkets in Toronto that caters to more thanone visible minority population. In addition to the stuff you would normallyfind in a grocery store that caters to more mainstream tasteslike vegetables, fruits, milk, and Lay's potato chips, Al Premium boastsvarious other items that cater to the East Asian (e.g. Chinese, Japanese,Korean), Southeast Asian (e.g. Malaysian, Thai, Filipino) and South Asian (e.g.India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) diaspora. With our rapid expansion in GTA. Weoperate 3 grand stores in Toronto. Also, we teamed up with Walmart since 2016and have 5 in-stores in Walmart now.
- 在货架或者冷柜中有序陈列各种鲜肉,保证包装无误
- 协助顾客选择肉类,如果有顾客询问,礼貌应答,并向他们提供建议
- 接受顾客的订单并处理猪,牛,羊肉等产品
- 保持货架有足够的库存并保证各种肉类的质量,确保充分展示各种肉类产品
- 按照说明和指示包装并给各种肉类产品
- 保持货架,过道,仓库和步入式冷柜的干净与整洁
- 遵循程序来处理过期或腐烂的产品
- 执行主管指定的任何其他职责。
Major Responsibilities:
- Loading, packing, stocking anddisplay merchandise on shelves or in the coolers
- Assist customers in selecting seafoodand provide recommendations to them if asked
- Taking orders from customersand handling raw& live seafood
- Maintain inventory and productquality; ensure full display of various seafood and frozen products
- Pack and label various seafoodproducts
- Keep shelves, aisle, warehouse, and walk-in coolers, and all supplements clean and tidy
- Follow procedures toprocess expired products and manage shrinkage
- Perform any other duties asassigned by the supervisor.
- 有肉部等工作经验者优先考虑
- 良好的英文人际沟通能力
- 优秀的客服服务技巧
- 健康的身体条件,可时常负重10lbs-50lbs不等
- 能够自主独立完成分配任务并且有团队合作精神
- 能够适应快节奏的工作环境并细心完成分配的任务
- 工作时间灵活(排班由个人填写的时间表决定)
- 有一定的英文能力可优先考虑
- Previous experienceand knowledge of meat department as an asset
- Health physical condition, beable to lift frequently 10lbs and occasionally up to 50lbs
- Good communicationskills and ability to read and write in English.
- Excellent Customerservice skills
- Be able to workindependently with minimum supervision and as part of a team
- Able to work infast-paced environment and have attention to detail.
- Flexible to work inshifts, including weekdays, weekends, evening hours and statutory holidays.(Depends on employee's availability.)
- Ability to speakMandarin as an asset
Starts from $14.00/hour based on the experience and performance
ALP: 1970 Eglinton AveE, Scarborough, ON, M1L 2M6
OFMM: 250 Alton TowersCircles, Scarborough, ON, M1V 3Z4
OFC:888 Dundas StreetEast, Mississauga, ON, L4Y 4G6
WM1080: 5995 SteelsstreetEast, Scarborough, M1V 5P6
WM1117: 3132 EglintonAve E, Scarborough, ON M1J 2H1
请标注title: Applyingfor department clerk at (location)
再电话联系 905-270-2009 (MississaugaHead office)