密市汽配公司招高级电子商务销售经理,需要有电子商务相关2~3年以上经验,必须熟悉ebay,Amazon, online 电子商务,有团队管理协作能力,熟练操作办公软件,Excel。有能够建立公司汽配产品网络销售平台与团队的经验与能力!流利中英文。唯才是用,薪资面议。
-- Create online auto-parts selling stores on Ebay, Amazon
-- Use advance knowledge to mange the auto-parts listings with on eBay, amazon daily-- Be fully versed in what makes good online content from a customer perspective
-- Ensure excellent communication and cooperation with all the different Platforms
-- Identification of growth opportunities, revenue optimization, and cost containment
-- eCommerce Promotional Strategy & Co-ordination with Marketing Team to optimize utilization of resources
-- Streamline order process, communicate with various departments and collaborate with various teams to achieve efficiency gains.
-- At least 2 years experience in an ecommerce retail environment processing e-commerce sales orders.
-- Experience in managing online platforms (eBay, Amazon) & social media (Instagram, Facebook).
-- Customer focus attitude and provide the best possible customer experience
-- Ability in a fast paced environment; must be extremely detail-oriented
-- Proficiency with Microsoft Office (Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
-- Excellent problem solving skills
work location: Dixie / Eglinton
work regular time: Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:30
starting salary: annual salary 40000+commission
Decided after interview
If your are a suitable candidate, please send you resume to jennifer.q@ssrs.ca