1. Convenience Store/Newstand- Downtown Office Tower $69,000+inventory
gross sale: $626015, SDE: $39614, business hours: 7-5:30, 5days/week, rent $2600/month, lease term: till Feb 2020
2. Profitable franchise health food store available in NE Calgary $135000+inventory. gross sale: $506000, SDE: $69386.
3. Successful and profitable IATA travel agency for sale $190000
gross sale: $2609975 SDE: $94003, rent $2500/rent
4. ***REDUCED*** Beauty Spa located in inner city. Current owner moving business out of town. Three fully serviced rooms with sinks available with one currently rented for $800.. Approximately 900 sq. ft. with large common area that could be adapted for hair, manicure or additional rooms including drain for pedicures. Front and back exposure in Mission/Cliff Bungalow district. $75,000 in leasehold improvements completed Nov 2016. asking price: $25000
For more businesses and details please call Fred Luo(罗广涛) 587-2164297, or email fredluogt@yahoo.com.
United Business Brokers Inc.