维多利亚专业地产经纪 - 杨倩
发布于: 2018-02-20 20:19:07//=$service["Service"]["views"]?>
地区:Abbotsford and Victoria 等地区
地址:Victoria, BC
Hello Home Buyers and Sellers!
Providing real estate service is my passion.
Take a look around. You will find lots of useful information.
If you are looking to buy a home please give me a call 250-881-5999 or send me an email jilly_yang@dfh.ca
If you are thinking of selling and would like an accurate idea of what your home is worth in today's market please fill out our "Free Home Evaluation" form.
Jilly Yang
DFH Real Estate Ltd.
3914 Shelbourne St
Victoria , 2 V8P 4J1
Phone: 2504777291
Fax: 2504773161
EMAIL: jilly_yang@dfh.ca