

发布于: 2017-11-28 19:20:30
地区:Abbotsford and Victoria 等地区
地址:150-805 Cloverdale Ave. Victoria BC V8X 2S9 CA
电话: 250-515-2666

生命是一种缘! -------------希望你我有缘, 有机会和您合作!

生命是一种缘! -------------希望你我有缘, 有机会和您合作!


一 确定理想地段-看房


二 订价/Offer
经纪人一般会提供最近这个区内类似房屋的成交价格,供参考,买家确定好价格签订买卖合同。经纪人会仔细给你讲解合同条款,并根据你的需 要加上 附加条款如验屋、贷款等。

三 验屋/按揭贷款


四 解除附加条件

​ A) 验屋,银行贷款都通过,附加条件解除, 合同由经纪递交律师,
B) 验屋,银行未通过,很遗憾,通知经纪解除合同,要回定金。

​五 购买房屋保险

六 交屋日(Closing Day)

经纪会通知你去取钥匙,并带你里里外外检查一遍,如发现问题,及时通知律师,不要急于搬家。一切顺利,尽情装扮自己温馨的家, 享受生活!
1. Identify Your Wants and Needs
By understanding your wants, needs and timeline, I can suggest your best plan of action. You will be delighted knowing we have a team ready to help you secure the best Home at the price and terms that are suitable to your budget.

2. Organize Home Showings and Provide Information on Target Markets
You can access properties on-line at the same time real estate professionals do. Together I will select the right homes to view at a time that is most convenient for all.

3. Offers Written In Plain English With The Terms And Conditions You Want
Once you find the right home and make the decision to purchase it, you'll want to move quickly. With my help, your offer is written on your terms. With professional guidance, your offer is correct and all conditions you require are included. If you need it, you will get the time to consult with banks, appraisers, building inspectors, and family - without any pressure from us. With these conditions written in for your protection, you can move quickly and confidently to secure the home you desire.

4. Real Estate Professional Represents You During The Presentation Of Offer
Most people list their homes expecting to negotiate. Usually room for negotiation is available. Knowing a property's selling time on the market and neighborhood prices is valuable when negotiating. I can assist you through the entire buyer experience making sure you have all the information at hand to make the right decisions. You get the best purchase price for your new home.

5. Organize Financing and Building Inspection
Always make sure what you think you are buying is indeed the property you are buying. As odd as this sounds, feeling comfortable with your purchase is a vital part of the home buying experience. Feeling comfortable has to do with securing the right financing. The right financing can save you thousands of dollars over the life of your mortgage.

The other factor contributing to your comfort is hiring a professional home inspector. Having the right professional is the way to gain peace of mind and guard your pocket book. A proper inspection will cover all areas of the house both structurally and mechanically and give you an objective view of the property. A qualified home inspector will provide you with a written report indicating areas of concern and the estimated cost of repair. Financing and inspection are just a part of the Buyer Services we offer.

6. Assist and Coordinate Physical Moves
Through my strategic alliances, I offer you reliable and professional contacts with local lawyers, movers, mortgage brokers, appraisers, builders, and other skilled experts to help you find and secure the new property for your family. As part of your transition into a new home, I will coordinate all required services. That makes your part a whole lot easier.

Transform Your Home Buying Experience Into Satisfaction With Little To No Work On Your Part. And Best Of All, It's FREE! Contact Faye today for your FREE consultation.
Faye Li

Oct6, 2015




一 卖房前准备工作

对房子做一个大体的检查,屋顶窗户是否漏雨;地下室是否潮湿;水龙头是否滴水;在上市场前请进行修缮,以免买家在验房时发现问题,影响房 子的价格及正常交易。然后多了解周围房子销售情况,尤其是与你所处的同一街道房屋结构相似的的房价信息,订出心里价位。

二 面试地产经纪


三 房屋展示

做好房屋的清洁工作,尤其是厨房和卫生间,如果条件允许对房间进行重新布置和装修。收走不经常用的家具及多余的装饰品,让每个房间都看起 来更宽 敞明亮,并保证房间内没有任何异味,厨房内的垃圾要及时处理掉,在餐厅和客厅内摆上一些盛开的鲜花,会大大提高客人想住在这里的兴 趣。

四 合同处理技巧

正常情况下房屋销售天数为30-60天,如果你的房子在很短的时间就有人出OFFER,可能房价定位太低;也有可能遇到一个急于买此区域的买主; 如果你在60天以内,一个OFFER也没有接到,那么你就要考虑房子本身的问题了,要么暂时退出市场,要么调整价格。在房屋买卖中,价格是最主 要的因素,但是价格不是唯一的因素,在谈价的同时,还要看看其他附件条件,如交房时间等。
