网址:www.peterchow168.ca 大溫生意買賣首選、專業估價、收費合理、買家免佣 PETER CHOW 周萬財 Direct : 604-644-0835 peterchow168@yahoo.com 國粵英語服務 26年資深金牌經紀、經驗豐富、獲獎無數、認真負責、值得信賴、全周服務
Peter Chow 1992年開始從事地產經紀生意買賣在地產界擁有27年的資歷!平日工作勤奮、積極、努力、堅持。 對溫哥華地產、生意買賣或投資都具有專業知識和眼光。 連續多年獲得Master Medallion Club殊榮,超過1600宗地産及生意買賣的成績和穩定優質的表現獲得客戶的信任,並建立長遠互信的友好關係。並於2018年03月15日獲得地產局頒發【終身成就獎】
Peter Chow started his real estate career in dealing with commercial businesses since 1992. With more than 27 years of commercial sales experience and in total of 1600 sales transactions, Peter has successfully established his reputation in the real estate business in Greater Vancouver. He had been awarded the Master Medallion Club and the Lifetime Achievement Award consecutively on March 15, 2018.